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Trikateers 2013

Dave & his wife Noreen. This tour around the Four Reservoirs of the Washburn Valley was a very special birthday surprise for Noreen.


"What a pressie, what a day, what an experience, we'll be back in the summer for sure" said Noreen

David & Aidan from Otley. The tour was a very special birthday surprise for Aiden, we cruised out to the Squires Cafe, Sherburn in Elmet. A very popular 'Bikers' watering hole.

Sarah & Steve. This tour was a birthday surprise for Steve. We created a special bespoke tour from Skipton, cruising Bolton Abbey, Burnsall, Appletreewick and back over Embasy Moor, where we were treated to the most glorious sunset as we as we came over the moor tops.


"Wow what a thrill, we'll be back in the summer"

Susan Briggs 'Dales Tourism' & Susie Brindley 'Willow Business Support' before setting off on our trike tour around the Duke of Devonshire's estate.


"Jason narrates interesting historical dates, folklore & facts throughout the tour, he really knows his stuff"

Sandra & Graham all saddled up to ride our Christmas tour YTT22C, starting & finishing at The Devonshire Arms Hotel in Bolton Abbey.



Catherine & David at the start of their YTT Christmas tour from at The Devonshire Arms Hotel in Bolton Abbey.


"Whoop whoop, had a great time. Fantastic day, really enjoyed it! Recommend it to anyone who wants to see the countryside of the dales with an added thrill!"


Denise & Keith ready to ride the YTT22C trail; our Christmas Tour starting & finishing at The Devonshire Arms Hotel in Bolton Abbey.


"Exhilarating, blew all our cobwebs away. We shall return for another in the Summer"


Dennis & his lovely wife Theresa all the way from Melbourne, Australia. All kitted up & ready to roll YTT22C awaits and we saw snow.


"Thanks for a truly amazing trip we really enjoyed it and every one loved Jason"


Laura & Caroline of Laura's Loom. Kitted up & ready to rock our Christmas Tour YTT22C.


“We had a fantastic day today, loved every minute of it!  Thank you so much to you both for taking us out and about on your trike. It's amazing. I think your business is just perfect for putting a smile on people's faces, those on the trike and those who see the trike go by”

Nichola & David. Ready to ride the awesome YTT02 Stump Cross Caverns tour. 


"It was a brilliant day. Jason is the perfect host. It was everything I'd hoped and more. I will be spreading the word. I have already passed you on to some friends who have booked. I am sure we will return!"

Gerard & Alex. Taking the thrilling Dads and Lads Tour. YTT03 the Four Reservoirs tour through the beautiful WashburndaleValley.


"What a brilliant, thrilling and exciting way to spend quality time with my son. Dads & Lads tour is a must".

Vicky & Steve. What a fantastic birthday surprise for Steve. Vicky managed to keep it all a secret right up until they met the trike. The first couple to take our Christmas Tour No22C.


"Had the best time this afternoon on our Trike tour, I can't recommend it enough, so much local knowledge and what a way to see gods own county! Awesome".........


Elizabeth & Catherine. A very special 70th birthday present for Catherine, YTT06 is our route for the day.


"We loved it, I'm still smiling"...


Pete & Lucy. This tour was a very special wedding present for day after their wedding. A lovely couple with a lovely story, so we created a special tour from Hemsley on the North Yorkshire Moors.


Pete & Sandra. This tour was a special surprise for Sandra, Pete managed to keep it a secret right up until they walked toward the trike! YTT09 is our route for today.


"Thanks for a great day. Sandy is over the moon. Yes it rained, yes Sandy couldn’t get her leg out of the oversuit, but what fun! Thanks for keeping it secret & thanks Jason for the expert riding, (driving?)  What a nice chap and what a machine!  I could just see one on my driveway:  Dear Santa....... we will be back"

Martin & Sue ready for the off. Four Reservoirs YTT03 tour here we come.


"Massive thanks to Judith & Jason for arranging the Four Reservoirs tours for Sues 60th birthday. Sue absolutely loved it, it was such a massive surprise when Jason drove the trike into the driveway"

Neil & Jane of Low Mill Guesthouse in Bainbridge. All saddled up and ready to tackle the Buttertubs pass.


"Absolutely brilliant, loved the tour, didn't even notice the rain"

Iris & Tony, all saddled up and ready to cruise YTT08 Lower & Middle Wharfedale tour.


"What an amazing experience 1st time in this wonderful trike driven by a special chauffeur Jason. We really enjoyed it and will definitely return for a different tour. Even the drizzling rain did not spoilt it."

Joe & Lisa from Talk Yorkshire, gearing up for a morning ride YTT06 Rombald's Moor Circular.


It was great to meet you and see Yorkshire on a trike! See you soon and we'll have the photos sorted ASAP!

Charles & Mandy from South Africa, just loving the dales on YTT06 Romald’s Moor Circular


Ian & Mary Carlisle, well impressed on YTT07 Impressive Malham Cove Tour.


Thank you for a great day you even managed the weather as well! Thank you too, for the pictures, which I am currently printing for the archive! Together with Mary’s pictures they will form a nice little album as a reminder of the day. You have certainly woken us up to a part of the country which we have never looked at despite it being so close to us.

Laura from Strand PR (Right) and Lucy cruising YTT03 Four Reservoir Tour.

Graham Poucher (Senior Press Officer) & Laura Kirk of Welcome to Yorkshire (www.yorkshire.com)


It was amazing and Jason is not only a brilliant tour guide but a really nice chap.

Tracey & Matthew Imison smiling all the way on YTT06 Romalds Moor Circular.

Alice Osbourne at the start of her long awaited tour YTT03 Four Reservoir Tour.


Simply spectacular views, this has got to be one of the best ways to see the dales and with Jason's super local knowledge, what more could you ask for!

Jennie Holland & Peter. Ready to ride YTT03 Four Reservoir Tour. Jennie owner of Gransnet @GNNORTHYORKS

Jan & Tony Knight enjoying Tour No. YTT10x Darley Mills.


We had a great trip.. in fact we were "blown away" in both senses of the word! It was such an exhilarating experience to be whizzing along through spectacular scenery on the amazing Boom machine ... we turned heads wherever we went! It was a privilege to be driven by Jason ...a dedicated biker with a passion for the Yorkshire Dales. Thank you so much.

Richard & his mum ready to go on her birthday present YTT09X Lunch in the Dales.


What a fantastic way to spend a couple of hours! It was the perfect birthday present for “the Granny who has everything” and who also appreciates spectacular scenery and beautiful machines!

Shaun & Amy McGrail ready to cruise YTT07 Impressive Malham Cove Tour for their Honeymoon treat.


'An incredible experience that totally exceeded our expectations, bringing us close to the outdoors in a unique and exciting way. Stunning, breathtaking,unmissable!'

Annette & Paul Wilkinson. Wedding Anniversary Tour taking YTT13 Lunch at Wensleydale Creamery.








Stephanie & James Haddy enjoying their 3rd Anniversary by taking YTT07 Impressive Malham Cove Tour.


 We had a fantastic afternoon seeing some beautiful sights and the weather was glorious which was a nice surprise. Jason was a fantastic chauffeur and felt so relaxed on the trike that I was starting to nod off on the way back from Settle! It’s great to see someone doing a job that they truly enjoy and are passionate about.

Mick & Rosa Woodrup. YTT03 Four Reservoir Tour a very special birthday surprise for Micks 78th.


We had an amazing tour. We both felt safe and very comfortable. Jason is an excellent chauffeur who gave us the smoothest of rides. Many many thanks, we are going to tell all our friends about it.


Vic & Ana, Vic owner of SuperTrike Tours & Ana owner of Hooters Vintage Car Hire both are located in Hawkes Bay New Zealand. We showed some them exciting landscapes taking YTT08 Lower & Middle Wharfedale Tour.


Thanks guys, love the Dales just never knew till now! Had a fantastic time & was a real pleasure to meet U both. An amazing tour, you really have got it right.


Wendy Foster & her friend Helen. A very special birthday present for Helen YTT03 Four Reservoir Tour on a beautiful Summers day.


Thank you Judith & Jason for our exhilarating ‘Four Reservoir Tour’ professionally organised and chauffeured. Jason ‘fascinating local knowledge made the whole experience an exceptional fun & memorable birthday celebration.  

Bob & Elaine Tointon up from Lincolnshire. As we start our cruise YTT02 Underground Caves at Stump Cross.








Nick Hatton BBC Radio Leeds & 5 Live Sports Reporter and girlfriend Lisa Harrison. A very special date, impressing Lisa with YTT02 Underground Caves at Stump Cross. Nice one Nick.


Wow what a rush. Gorgeous weather, brilliant sunshire, amazing machine. Highly recommended.



Nick Baines (Peanut) of the rock band Kaiser Chiefs & Tara Sibson.

A massive thank you to Judith for organising our tour and for Jason our chauffeur who gave us the most brilliant and amazing ride out. Highly recommended indeed.



Pete Wilson & Tom Ashurst from Welcome to Yorkshire. We cruised YTT21 Le Tour Yorkshire following the exact same route as the riders will take on the Tour De France Grand Depart June 2014.

Thank you again for a fantastic day on Friday, we thoroughly enjoyed. It gave me a great perspective on some areas of Yorkshire I had yet to visit, and to cover the route the tour will take next year and to really appreciate it was great.

Millie and Charley dignitaries at the IIkley Carnival Parade.

Millie had a very special day and we were privileged to be part of it.

Emma Richards and her friend Charlotte just before we head off to cruise YTT03 Four Reservoir Tour.


Me and my friend Charlotte reckon my dad is offcially cool, he has a trike and wears a bandana.




Andrea from The Pickled Egg company and her husband Paul. YTT06 Rombalds Moor Circular Tour.


Wow, what a total blast, thank you sooo much we absolutely loved it. How can I ever go back to a car after I've experienced a Yorkshire Trike Tour.


Our friends Tony & Bridget Pitcairn 25th Wedding Anniversary.


Thank you for a fabulous afternoon. We started our 25th wedding anniversary celebrations with the guests having trips on the trike around the countryside around Burnsall; we all had great fun, from teenagers to octogenarians. It was a very happy and memorable day for us all.

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